I cannot believe that my little man will be 2 in a little more than 2 months!! Where has the time gone? His new favorite word is "NO!" ... definitely NOT a good thing and Lee and I are working on correcting this problem!! The "terrific" 2's have begun!! His vocabulary is expanding every day. I love listening to him "talk!" He leaves the consonants off of many words, but this is normal for a child his age. (and yes, you know me ... I've already looked into this!! haha!!) He calls Sloan "oh-N" and often refers to a cat as "caa-A." He loves to "read" books, watch Elmo and his Leap Frog dvd's, and isn't afraid of pools or the ocean. He even likes to go underwater!! I can't wait to give him swimming lessons! All I need now is a pool!! :) His favorite game is "Ring Around the Rosie" and of course, he thinks the "all fall DOWN" part is the GREATEST!! He even enjoys doing this in his crib ... and occasionally on the floor! "Down" is another new favorite word! He's beginning to learn his ABC's and already knows the sounds that some letters make. He enjoys putting puzzles together and says "YAY" while he's doing it (even if the pieces are in the wrong place!)!!!! It's hysterical to watch!! He loves to dance and even tries to sing some. :) He loves to run and climb on everything. He's even figured out how to climb on our bed (which is pretty high off the ground). He can climb into a small tractor and even into a car! Needless to say, he's very active ... which is a good thing! Surprisingly, he even enjoys brushing his teeth at night!! I brush them first, then give him the toothbrush so that he can "brush" them. Thank goodness for the Baby Einstein toothpaste!! It's so much easier with a good-tasting (I guess??) toothpaste!! Connor caught his very first fish today! Lee said that he even tried to hold it as his Granddaddy took it off the line!! He's not scared of anything!!
Lastly, I'd like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Jennifer and David Hix on the birth of their baby girl, Chloe, who was born on June 18. I'm so excited for all of my preggo friends (Melissa, Angie, Melanie, Cayci, Kristin, April, Katey, Jill, Kelly ... I hope I didn't leave anyone out!!) and wish you all the VERY BEST!!